Right now there are events all over the grid celebrating the 9th Birthday of Second Life. At Ground Zero we are part of a 6 day, 6 venue event - the SL9B Pub Crawl and Street Fair, an event coordinated by Brandy Maltas and Seth Regan. This is an event that we believe reflects the spirit of camaraderie in the music community in Second Life. There are events each night at great venues. Please check out the large sign and notecard giver at our landing point that tells you what's happening where.
Not only do we have a great night of music lined up for Friday, June 22, starting at 6pm with Dragonfly, followed by Voodoo Shilton at 7pm and Mulder Watts at 8pm, we have an art show on the beach at Ground Zero that is open from now until the end of the month.
View from behind the stage
We are pleased to be featuring the work of ten artists.
Chewie Quixote
Eliza Cabassoun
Graham Collinson
Kylie Sabra
Lingual Markus
Mick Oxygen
Owen Landar
Peter Pumpkinhead
Toysoldier Thor
Thea Dee
These visual artists were invited to participate because each of them have a unique perspective on the relationship between performance and visual arts in Second Life. Singers, dancers, venue owners, managers, and hosts are all represented. They are part of our community at Ground Zero. We appreciate their involvement and think that you will enjoy taking a look.
The beach becomes more colorful!
Looking in from the water
When you come to take a look, please click the blue signs for more information about each artist. The signs are next to the area where their art is displayed. Since Toysoldier's awesome mesh sculptures are located all over the beach, we placed the info sign for his work near the large sculpture near the landing point.
We hope to see you at the Friday music performances and the art show. The show will be in place until June 30th - please come by any time!!
You are also invited to jump on the teleporter by the landing point and see the sights in the sky above Ground Zero. The Quixote Dreams, Omagination, and Pumpkin Pictures galleries are all there. The Skybox Gallery houses our personal collection of works from a number of talented Second Life artists. And if you just need some down time, check out our roller rink.
Thanks to each of you for being part of our community and supporting our vision. See you at Ground Zero!